Thursday, December 9, 2010

A letter from me to YOU

It's already past 12 am, but I just can't postpone this moment. If I don't blog about it today, I won't have the drive tomorrow. (Yep, harsh reality) :D


Dear Alex,

I always give you letters or cards for our month anniversary celebrations, but this time I want to be quite different. ;)  (You can have this printed out, though. :P)

Do you still remember the day we first met? I can still vividly remember it, even though it was already more than a year ago. My friend and I were sitting beside our table, and then you showed up and struck a conversation. I didn't expect that I would meet someone that night. What's more unexpected is that 'someone' would, later on, change my life---in a good way.

05-16-09. First meeting. With Erika.

You're always there, through the good times and bad times. Whether I'm jumping with joy, complaining, or just having my mood swings--- you never left me. You support me with everything I do, and encourage me to do better. You always make me happy. :)  Sometimes you may not know it but, yeah, you do. When you surprise me with little things, like those banats that you say (I say it's corny, but deep inside I get kilig :P), it always puts a smile on my face. When you stare at me, I melt inside. Or when you simply hold my hand, it means so much to me. Yes, we've had our share of misunderstandings and conflicts, but we're still together. Sometimes we argue, oftentimes we don't agree with each others' sentiments. We hurt each other, but we fix things up before the day ends. That's one of the things I love about you: you never let our problem go unsolved overnight. :))

I'm so happy and blessed to have known you for more than a year now (1 year, 6 months and 24 days to be exact). You've changed a lot, but on the other side, you didn't. Crazy, right? What I mean is that, even though there are some external changes, you're still the same Alex I met 18 months ago: sweet, caring, loving and thoughtful. :D

Months quickly pass by. It was just like yesterday when I said 'yes'. But it's actually 10 months ago already! Well, what can I say? Time flies when you're having the best moments of your life. And I'm happier because I'm able to share them with you. :)  They say that relationships nowadays don't last for more than 9 months, but I'm very proud to proclaim that after 10 challenging months, we're still as tight as an unbreakable thing. We're nearing our 1st ever anniversary, and honestly, I can't wait! :) 

And... fast forward to 1 year and 6 months later! :P

So there, belated happy 10 months of togetherness dear! I still get torpe sometimes, but always remember that I love you, I still love you, and I will love you for the rest of my life. :)

With flying hugs, kicks and kisses,
Jane ♥


Don't think that it's cheesy, okay? Good night! *yawn* -.-

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